Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lent Day 29

Exodus 4:10-31

1 Corinthians 14:1-19

Mark 9:30-41


Anonymous said...

I've never noticed before the section of the Corinthians passage where Paul speaks of praying with the spirit and the mind. I feel often times that Christians are criticized for (and sometimes rightly) appealing only to the emotions and the affections, for blindly following without thinking for themselves. But here Paul is saying that we should be concerned about engaging our mind as well. That we have both dimensions to our life and therefore should appeal to and use both dimensions in our faith. I hope that makes a little sense at least. I feel very ineloquent and distracted today.

david said...


i think i get what you are saying. i have been thinking a lot lately about how christianity gives us a glimpse into how things work. if jesus is the center of things, and he was around at the creation of everything, then we have a chance at insight into the rhythm of things. hence blind following might be seen as the anti-christian stance; which is why i really like the idea of an engagement of both our minds and souls.