Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sunday #5

Exodus 3:16-4:12

Romans 12:1-12

John 8:46-59

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting that even though Jesus is already in hot water with the Jewish people, he just keeps pushing it. In the passage in John, he doesn't stop with talking about Abraham, he has to take it the one step further: "Before Abraham was born, I AM!" He reminds the Jews (Israelites) of YHWH (I AM), and aligns himself with I AM. Basically, he says: "Hello! I am God! I AM."

Yeah, I can see why people got a little pissed of at him. But I can also see why he was so insistent on identifying himself in a very distinct, definite way: "Don't miss this. I AM!" I didn't just know Abraham, I helped create him, I made the covenant with him, and I was here at the very foundation of the earth.