Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lent Day 15

Genesis 43:1-15

1 Corinthians 7:1-9

Mark 4:35-41


benny krown said...

the passage in mark is such a beautifully simple analogy. though we have Jesus with us at all times, it is not unusual for a storm to come along and test our faith. Jesus is calmly sleeping, for all is in His control. in our fear and helplessness we come to Him and He eases our fears.

it is interesting that the disciples waited until the boat was nearly swamped, just before disaster would strike. why didn't they go to Jesus when they first saw the storm?

and, another interesting thought: i wonder how events would have played out if Jesus had never gone to sleep?

Anonymous said...

I always wonder if this is one of those passages that highlights the reality of the God/Man dichotomy in Jesus. I mean he is exhausted. There is no other way that you could sleep on the type of boat they used to cross the lake (which I think here is actually the sea of Galilee, maybe?), They were so small it would be like trying to sleep while trail driving in a Jeep Wrangler! Anyway, so he is sleeping possibly out of sheer exhaustion, but then he used his mighty power to calm the storm. We go from Man Jesus sleeping soundly while their boat is being tossed to and fro on the waves, to God Jesus who changes the weather! Amazing. Simply amazing.